Extended Timeline for playbacks
New timeline for audio files including markers and variable repeats and loops.

Find more details here…
Also using new Windows audio functions for better performance on playbacks.
Bulk export of music sheets
It is now possible to export the music sheets of all or multiple selected songs of a playlist to local PDF documents.
Due to technical limitations in font handling the quality of exported text or ChordPro files may be reduced.
SongRepertoire Usability Survey 2020
Thanks a lot, to all of you who attended the SongRepertoire Usability Survey 2020.
I am currently analyzing the results and answers.
The Raffle will take place within the next days and I will be incredibly happy to contact the winner!
License management
There are some issues with the Microsoft Store license management. To better handle licensing in future your license information is saved to a central SongRepertoire license database.
This may lead to a longer startup time. In my environment with mobile internet access less than one second.
With the previous update I added a function to collect App-Analytics data to better understand how you are using SongRepertoire. With this update it is possible to remotely start and stop the collection of usage data.
As before I do not collect any personal information (like contact data, names of songs, playback files etc.
You can generally turn off App-Analytics on the general settings page of SongRepertoire:

Minor fixes
- The size of the song-loading-bar on the bottom of the screen has been minimized.
- Unwanted automatic start of playbacks has been fixed.