Beta-Release 26 & 27 (9.1.9)

Midi message: Bank Select and Program Change

Added a new midi message type to enable Bank Select (MSB and LSB) and Program Change within one step.

More details about Midi configuration…

New Settings to enable or disable crash logs

In case of a crash SongRepertoire tries to send crash log information to the AppCenter portal. There is a new setting to enable or disable this behavior.

If crash logs are enabled you can also decide, if you allow SongRepertoire to additionaly send your Microsoft user account (typically your mail address) with the crash log. This helps us to get in contact with you, if needed.
You can also turn this option off via the settings of SongRepertoire.


On small sized tablets the metronome button could overlay the play button for playbacks. Fixed.

Minor UI fixes:

Better readability of side menu on song page when in full screen mode.

Show size of text area on song page for better handling “swipe-to-next-song” and limited annotation area.

Double-Tap on images and PDF pages auto-sizes the visible music sheet to full screen. If the user locks the screen for adding annotations the double-tap handling is turned off.