SongRepertoire can send Midi messages (currently PC and CC) to connected Midi devices. Simply assign the desired messages (one or multiple) to a song. When you open it, SongRepertoire will automatically send the messages to your Midi device.
On the song page you can find a new item in the left side menu that provides the functions to handle your Midi messages.

To add a new message, select the Midi item (1), then “Edit Midi command”.
SongRepertoire will open the following dialog:

First select the message type (1). Currently SongRepertoire only supports PC and CC messages.
Depending on the selected message type you get different additional properties (2). For example, Channel and Program Number for a PC message, as shown in the screen shot above.
If you want to use this message only for this specific song, leave the checkbox “Save to library” (3) unchecked.
If this is a message that you want to reuse on multiple songs, you can activate “Save to library”. In that case you need to enter a name for the Midi message (4). The message configuration is then saved to the Midi library of SongRepertoire.
This means, that you can reuse it on other songs. If you change the properties of such a message, it will be changed automatically in all assigned songs.
When running SongRepertoire on multiple devices, the messages in your Midi library are automatically synchronized between them.
To test your configuration, you can use the button “Send test message” (5). This will simply send the configured message to the selected Midi Out device.
Press the “Apply” button to save the definition of this Midi message.
As mentioned above in SongRepertoire you can assign multiple messages to one song. We call this a Midi command.
So, when you close the Midi message dialog you get the following screen:

On the top you see the defined default Midi out device (1). When you click/tap this field or the search button on the right side you get a dialog showing all connected Midi devices. The one you select is then used for all your songs.
If you have installed SongRepertoire on multiple devices you need to select the default Midi Out device on each one.
By clicking the button “Define new Midi message” (2) you can add a new message.
If you already have predefined messages in your SongRepertoire Midi library, you can insert them with the button “Add message from library” (3). If your Midi library is empty, this button will be hidden.
Below these buttons you see the list of Midi messages already assigned to the current song (4).
The little star in front of the line indicates that this is message from the Midi library.
To edit a message, just tap/click it. If you want to delete it, press the delete button on the right side of the line. If you want to send this single message to your Midi device for testing, press the send button on the right side of the line.
If you want to test all the defined messages, press the “Send all messages” button (5). This is the same behavior as when you open the song in SongRepertoire.
If you have assigned Midi messages to a song and you are opening it, SongRepertoire sends the defined messages automatically to your default Midi Out device.
If you want to re-send them, you can open the Midi menu on the song page and use the function “Send Midi again”:

Before sending a Midi message, SongRepertoire checks, if the default Midi Out device is available. If not, you will get the following error dialog:

On top you can see the Midi device causing the problem (1).
Then you have the following options:
(2) Press this button to select another default Midi Out device on this Windows machine.
(3) Simply do not send the current message.
(4) This button deactivates the sending of Midi messages for the current session. If you restart SongRepertoire, Midi is activated again.
You can also re-activate Midi in the Midi functions menu of the song page or directly in the Midi settings page.
(5) You can also turn Midi completely off on a specific Windows device. This means, that Midi is turned off also when restarting the SongRepertoire session. In that case also the Midi function menu is hidden on the song page. To re-activate Midi on such a device you need to open the settings of SongRepertoire and there select the Midi settings page.
The Midi settings page of SongRepertoire shows the following content:

You see the current state of Midi on this device (1) and the selected default Midi Out device (2). If it is currently not available, SongRepertoire shows an orange warning indicator left to the device name.
On the lower part of the page you see the current Midi messages library (3).
You can always add a Midi message to this library by pressing the “add another Midi message” button (4). If you add a message here, you need to assign it to the specific songs later on the song page (as described above).
To delete a Midi message from the library, press the delete button on the right side of the line (5). If this message is already used by songs of SongRepertoire you will get a warning. If you still want to delete it, this message is automatically removed from all your songs.
If you want to test a message, press the send button (6). This will send the single Midi message to the default Midi Out device.
If you want to edit a Midi message, simply tap/click it (7). This will open the Midi message dialog as described on top of this tutorial.