Connect Pedals

Of course, you can use SongRepertoire also with pedals typically connected via Bluetooth. This allows you to control various functions hands-free.

If you want to find out more about pedals use the following links.
My preferred vendor is AirTurn!
Also Coda Music Technologies provides high quality pedals.

In difference to other products SongRepertoire has no static build-in assignment of functions to the pedals. You use so called HotKeys and assign them easily to your pedals.

The following HotKeys are currently supported:

Scroll music sheet up Pressing the pedal scrolls the music sheet up, using a defined percentage of the screen size. The percentage is defined by the slider below the function key. If the checkbox “Automatic navigation to next song” is set and the top of the music sheet is reached, SongRepertoire automatically navigates to the previous song in the currently selected playlist.
Scroll music sheet down Pressing the pedal scrolls the music sheet down, using a defined percentage of the screen size. The percentage is defined by the slider below the function key. If the checkbox “Automatic navigation to next song” is set and the bottom of the music sheet is reached, SongRepertoire automatically navigates to the next song in the currently selected playlist.
Previous Page Pressing the pedal scrolls the music sheet up one page in the PDF viewer, if full-page mode is activated. Otherwise scrolls up 100 percent of the screen size. If the checkbox “Automatic navigation to next song” is set and the top of the music sheet is reached, SongRepertoire automatically navigates to the previous song in the currently selected playlist.
Next Page Pressing the pedal scrolls the music sheet down one page in the PDF viewer, if full-page mode is activated. Otherwise scrolls down 100 percent of the screen size.
If the checkbox “Automatic navigation to next song” is set and the bottom of the music sheet is reached, SongRepertoire automatically navigates to the next song in the currently selected playlist.
Go to previous song Selects the previous song in the currently selected playlist.
Go to next song Selects the next song in the currently selected playlist.
Start playback If there is an audio file added to the song this HotKey starts the playback.
Start playback and Auto-Scrolling As “Start playback”, but also starts the Auto-Scrolling of the currently shown music sheet.
Stop playback and Auto-ScrollingStops currently played audio file and Auto-Scrolling.
Pause playback Pauses currently played audio file.
Stop playback Stops currently played audio file.
Start/Stop Auto-Scrolling Starts the Auto-Scrolling of the currently shown music sheet. Or – if scrolling is already active – stops the Auto-Scrolling.
Increase Auto-Scrolling Increases the Auto-Scrolling speed.
Decrease Auto-Scrolling Decreases the Auto-Scrolling speed.
Previous bookmark If the song contains bookmarks, the previous bookmark is selected and SongRepertoire navigates to the defined position in the music sheet.
Next bookmark If the song contains bookmarks, the next bookmark is selected and SongRepertoire navigates to the defined position in the music sheet.
Start/Stop Metronome Starts or stops the metronome on the Song-Page.
Open/Close Metronome Settings Opens the metronome settings on the Song-Page.
Tip for drummers: if you have a pedal/pad with two options and the metronome settings panel is open, you can use “Start/Stop Metronome” HotKey to set the tempo of the current song.

Windows configuration

Beside the configuration in SongRepertoire you first need to connect your Bluetooth pedal first with your device.

Please use the Windows settings to establish this connection:
(Typically Bluetooth pedals are simulating computer keyboards.)

SongRepertoire Settings

First open the settings page of SongRepertoire by pressing the “Options”-button in the side-menu (1). Then select “Settings” in the following menu.

Of course, you can start the settings page from all other pages (e.g. playlists overview, all my songs, song page)

On the settings page select the „HotKeys“ panel (2).

SongRepertoire HotKey Settings

On this page you can see all currently defined HotKeys (3).

SongRepertoire HotKey Settings

To add a new one press the “+” button (4). This will open a popup (description below).

If you are using a pedal from AirTurn you can also use the “select AirTurn default” button (5). This opens a popup windows where you can select your AirTurn device and the supported mode (description below).

To remove a HotKey definition press the “delete” button (6).

The following popup is used to add a new HotKey (or edit an existing one).

SongRepertoire HotKeys Configuration

First press your pedal (or key on your keyboard or any other button/device that simulates a keyboard – like pedals are typically doing).
You will see the key that has been sent in the “Key” textbox (6).

Then select the function of SongRepertoire you want to assign to this pedal/key (7).
Depending on the selected function additional options for configuration may be shown. At the end press “Apply” to save the configuration.

When pushing the “select AirTurn defaults” button you will get the following dialog:

SongRepertoire AirTurn Default Settings

First select your device (1), then you will see all modes currently supported by SongRepertoire (2). Select one and you will get a predefined list of HotKeys.

Of course you can modify every single HotKey as described before.

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