You can use voice control to select songs directly on the song page:

SongRepertoire is only using local recognition algorithms for this feature (provided by Microsoft). We do not transfer any data to servers or the cloud. This approach allows offline handling and we are not providing any information to any data service.
First press the voice search button (1) in the title bar of the song page:

This will start the voice search dialog.
On the left side of the search button you can select the target language (1):

Now speak parts or the full song title, the name of the interpret or tags into the microphone of your device.
SongRepertoire tries to recognize the words and compare them with the data of your songs. Any match will be shown on top of the song list (1).
Matching songs are listed below (2).

If you have currently selected a playlist you see only songs of this playlist. You can switch to “All my songs” (1) to search in your complete song collection:

Tap or click one of the listed songs to open it on the song page.
Eventually you need to install the appropriate language package on your Windows device.
Check the Windows settings (Time & Language – Language). The microphone symbol (3) must be active if you want to use this language. If it is not visible, you need to activate it by setting the options for this language (4).
If you want to use a language not available on this screen, you need to install it (2).